MUFON Facts And The Disinformation Over The Net



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Dear Mr. Rachid Echahly,

May 27, 2011


Greetings to Everyone,


As you are aware there has been much disinformation about MUFON on
the Internet. I would like to dispel the false rumors and provide
you with the facts about MUFON. Communication is key for the success
of all organizations. I am sending you this email with an effort to
keeping the lines of communication open.

First of all, MUFON is a nonprofit 501-c-3 corporation. It was
established in 1969 in Missouri and later in Texas, where MUFON is
still a registered non-profit. There were three people who
incorporated MUFON and they are the only “owners” (for lack of a
better word) and in control of MUFON, All three are designated as
Trustees. The trustees are the Corporate Treasure, Corporate
Secretary, and the CEO (International Director). There are no other
share holders of the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON). Currently, the
Corporate Treasure is Tom Whitmore, Corporate Secretary is Tom
Deuley, and I am the CEO or International Director.

The Board of Directors includes the three trustees, plus Dr. Bob
Wood, Jan Harzan, Rob Swiatek, Marie Malzahn, Chuck Reever and John
Schuessler (ID Emeritus). The Board of Directors makes financial and
business decisions for the Board, plus they have a strong history
with MUFON and the study of UFOs. Board members are appointment by
the International Director, the Board Members, and from
recommendations from our Subscriber/Members. (I will send you
another email in a few days concerning Board Members.)

All 3000 people who belong to MUFON are Subscribers, which includes
me. As subscribers, we only receive the MUFON Journal. No
subscriber/member receives any authority or voting rights when they
pay their annual fee to receive the Journal. (From here on, I will
use the term Subscriber/Member in lieu of members.) Some of us may
want to say we are MUFON members and that is okay, as long as we
understand a MUFON member does not have more privileges than a

Walt Andrus and the first Corporate Secretary and Treasurer, knew
that in fulfilling MUFON’s Missions Statement, MUFON would need “like
minded” people from across the US and the world to assist in
obtaining UFO sighting reports. These people needed a central
location to send the UFO information, which would be and is MUFON. As
word got out about MUFON’s success, Walt and his Board of Directors
received many more volunteers to help in their effort. More
volunteers meant more success for MUFON and it grew in numbers. Over
the years MUFON became the most well thought of UFO organization in
the world. We now have over 28,271 sighing reports in our CMS and
archives. We are represented in 25 countries and have about 3000
subscribers and 800 trained Field Investigators. When TV or movie
producers want information about UFOs or to make a TV show, they come

MUFON owes its success to the many volunteers who have diligently
given of their time, effort and money over the years. To this day
volunteers are the backbone of MUFON.

One of the more important volunteer positions within MUFON’s is the
State Director (SD). SDs are appointed by the ID in conjunction with
the state’s subscriber/member list and approval by the Board of

As SD for their state, they appoint their own ASD, Chief Field
Investigator, Star Team members, State Section Directors, and
recommend approval for new Field Investigators. The SD’s appointees
are ratified by the ID, if needed. One of the SDs other duties is the
overseeing their state staff. Everyone in every state or country is
a volunteer with the desire to fulfill MUFON’s mission statement. As
well as appointing people to state volunteer positions, the SD has
the authority to remove volunteers from a volunteer position. The ID
will not remove anyone from a volunteer position within a state
unless the SD agrees. Another appointee by the SD is the Star Team
members for their state.

Yes, the SD has many responsibilities and authority. All the SDs I
know take their SD volunteer position very seriously. They are also
committed to seeing MUFON attains the fulfillment of our Mission
Statement and goals. MUFON SDs for are the best of the best.

MUFON has a board member who is the liaison person for SDs. If a
state subscriber/member has a problem or concern, they should take it
to their SD who in turn will discuss this with the SD liaison person.
Marie Malzahn, is the SD liaison person for the Board of Directors.

Next, I need to explain what MUFON isn’t. It isn’t a democracy, a
union, a for profit organization with stock holders, nor is it a
club. MUFON is set up more like the Red Cross, an “All Volunteer

Those people wishing to reform MUFON may feel they have the best of
intentions, but making false statements, and using privileged
information to enhance their goals is indefensible. Personally, I am
appalled at their tactics. Sending out negative emails is not the
way to make change, but then again that may not be their motive.
Their motive may be to destroy MUFON under the guise of “reform”.
They are soliciting and using MUFON’s private email list in an effort
to solicit members for membership in other UFO organizations. I have
had hundreds of emails from subscribers/members extremely upset with
the Reform committee using their email address for such negative
diatribes against MUFON. Very sad.

MUFON is an organization dedicated to our Mission and goals. “The
Scientific Study of UFOs for the Benefit of Humanity.” If people want
to be involved with MUFON in an effort to fulfill our mission that is
good. We embrace them as MUFON subscribers/members and volunteers.
If their agenda is different than our Mission, they should go

If anyone would like to discuss what I have said above, please call
me. I will take time to talk to you in a rational, respect way. I
will expect the same courtesy from you.

MUFON has so many dedicated volunteers who are conscientious, honest,
hard working people volunteering their services to MUFON, I find your
support and efforts very rewarding. My hat is off to you. I applaud
you and thank you for your support.

I trust I will see you at the Symposium in July in California. As
always the MUFON Symposium will be a great educational event, plus it
will be nice to meet and greet each of you.


All the Best,

Clifford Clift, ID MUFON










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